Welcome to the Fighting Suburbia blog!
This is a blog for Parents. Made by Parents….well, technically it’s made by just one parent….me!
Let me introduce myself. I’m El Mejor Papí. It’s so very nice to meet you. I’m a 42 year old Dad with 4 young kids.
I’ve lived most of my life in suburbia, hence the name.
In this blog, I’ll share my struggles, perspectives, and learnings regarding life. Oh, and did I mention I have 4 young kids? Thus, a lot of my life revolves around my identity as a Dad right now. And, a lot of it revolves around my unique journey through this thing called life as a Dad….in suburbia.
To the parents reading this, my aspiration is that there’s some nugget of wisdom in here that you can use. Some nugget that, if put into use, will add to the betterment of humankind.
Because, as a parent, you are in charge of raising the next-generation. The next-generation that will set sail and do fantastic things in this world. The next-generation that will fix all the issues we, and the previous generations of homo sapiens before us, created. I know, I know, it’s a very high bar. I apologize for getting so serious so quickly.
But, dear Parent, even if you don’t find that nugget that you can put into use immediately, fear not. I may still have something for you.
Dear Parent, even if in your scramble to raise a better next-generation of future humans, you read one of my posts, and then promptly forget all about it….that’s ok.
That’s ok because I get it. I too get quickly distracted…by life…by trying to keep 4 little homo sapiens alive…by my never-ending to do list…by the social media apps on my smartphone….by the multitude of other distractions that surround me and compete for my precious attention.
Fear not dear parent. As I mentioned before, I still may have something for you.
And that something is…laughter and connection. My hope is that by sharing my stories, you’ll read them and have a laugh. And while you’re laughing, you’ll realize that you’re not alone in trying to navigate the various struggles of being a parent in the modern world. And my hope is that through this realization….maybe the world becomes a little less lonely of a place….and maybe, just maybe it feels a bit more welcoming than it did before.
Again, Welcome to the Fighting Suburbia Blog! The blog for Parents by…a parent.
~El Mejor Papí